Note: This quotes API is no longer online because Heroku stopped supporting the free tier.
What is Dev Quotes? It’s a small project with a professional setup used to revisit NextJS and to try out some tools I had not tried before including CSS Modules and react-query. Everything is written in strict TypeScript, even the tests. It connects to a public API for the quotes. You can find the API here:
The project can be viewed live here: (identical to main
The reason I made this project wasn’t to build something spectacular. I wanted a small application which I could use to improve my test writing, and I wanted to see if TypeScript would be beneficial in tests or if it would get in the way. As it turns out I actually really enjoyed having TypeScript in my tests too.
Some of the technologies used to make this project:
- NextJS
- TypeScript
- React Query
- React Testing Library
- Jest
- React
- CSS Modules